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Credit Enhancement

Credit enhancement is a method whereby an entity attempts to improve its credit worthiness. With credit enhancement, the lender is provided with reassurance that the borrower will honor its obligation through insurance, additional collateral, or a third party guarantee.

L. J. Hart & Company completes most of the application and can assist in the data gathering process. The Company has considerable experience in working with all rating agencies as well as the firms that provide municipal bond insurance to local governments. Having the benefit of this experience is useful in expediting the process, receiving competitive pricing of the insurance fee quotes, as well as the achievement of professional respect for the quality and completeness of the presentation.

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West St. Francois Co. R-IV Middle School

Contact Us Today!

Just call us at (800) 264-4477 or (636) 537-9939

Email Us:

 L.J. Hart & Company
16401 Swingley Ridge Road, Suite 210
Saint Louis, Missouri 63017-0740

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