Local governments can borrow money on a tax-exempt basis to meet capital facilities and equipment needs.
Learn MoreLease financings can be a useful way to accomplish better cash flow management.
Our ServicesWe understand the need for creative and flexible financings for local governments! Since our inception in 1991, we have completed over 2,250 financings in Missouri. We help schools, cities, counties, not-for-profits and others gain the clarity they need to plan well and make short and long-term goals a reality. Using our expertise, you too can have a financial plan that accomplishes your short-term and long-term objectives.
As a courtesy, once L.J. Hart & Company completes a financing, we stay with you to provide support and answer questions until the project is fully repaid.
Become a PartnerWe’ll develop a custom tailored financial plan, help you get crystal clear on your current financial position and outline an action plan that will help you accomplish your goals.
Your Custom Tailored PlanWe use our vast knowledge of local government funding in Missouri to evaluate your financing options.
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